Philippine Fashion Week 2008 closing show...

after 9 days of intense rehersals, fittings, make up and tons of hairspray the 2008 Philippine Fashion Week has come to an end.. hurrahhh to all the designers, fashion directors (specially tito Raymond Villanueva, who has done most of the shows for our group), production team, production assistants, dressers, makeup artists, hair dressers and the models who worked so hard to make this event a hUGE success!!

i can say that after 4 years of doing philippine fashion week a lot has changed.. the designers now are coming from different parts of the counrty, most of them are coming from the new breed of upcoming fashion designers (but ofcourse the grandmasters and icons of fashion are still there continuing to give us more excellent pieces).. the models have improved on how they sashay through the runway (with the help ofcourse of Mr. Joey Espino., who went all the way to new york to learn how our foreign counterparts work and apply all these things in our own fashion week).

i hope that Philippine Fashion Week will continue to flourish in the coming years to open new doors to people who want to excel in the fashion industry.. Mabuhay Philippine Fashion Week!
