All about love

Love Task #7
"Have I Told You Lately..."

When was the last time you told your partner how you feel about them? The passing, "I love you" on your way out to work doesn't count. When was the last time you sat your partner down and told them face-to-face exactly how you feel? This week's task is about doing just that.

Each day this week make it a point to do the following:

kiss at least three times
have at least one 30 second kiss, or longer
compliment your partner on one thing
give at least one hug
say, "I love the way you..." about something they are doing at least once
ask them how their day went
wish them a good day with a good morning kiss
say, "I love you" at least three times

One day this week make it a point to sit down with your partner and tell them face-to-face how you feel about them. Make it extra special by planning a romantic evening.

Some people find it easier to express themselves through the written word. You may want to share your feelings in a letter instead.

>>> i found this article and i decided to put it here as a reminder of the things that i have to do to make my husband feel more special and to make him feel how much i love him. this is just making up for all the pain that i have caused, the problems and the sleepy nights that he had because i was not being myself. now that i have fixed a big part in my heart i want to focus on my husband, give him everything that i can, make him the king of my kingdom and the love of my entire life
